Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's Official!

I was so excited this past Monday when I opened my email and saw my tangle, Floor Too, featured on by Linda Farmer, CZT.  I had submitted the tangle back in November and wasn't sure if it would ever make it.  It's such a wonderful honor to be included among so many talented artists.

Like many others, I was inspired by a pattern that I saw while I was out and about.  One day in early November I was riding an elevator when a woman walked in.  She had the most interesting shapes on her sweater.  As soon as I got home I started playing with the pattern in my sketch book and my tangle was born.

I hope you enjoy Floor Too!
-Jennifer Gayle

*Linda Farmer prefers to swap steps 1 and 2 for better alignment.  
Try it both ways and see what works best for you.