I am back from the madness that began with the Spring Fling. It was an absolute blast. You can see me and my faithful assistant (and hubby) Chris manning our table. The other shot is just a small sample of everything there was to offer at the Spring Fling. I think everyone had a great time.
In our personal lives, we moved right after the Spring Fling. I am in the process of reconstructing my craft room. We moved stuff in stages, so I've been able to do some organizing in between deliveries. I really am quite proud of what I've done so far. I do have pictures, but because of the way this program manages photos, I'm going to collage them in Photoshop first so you can see them better.
I also have a new project I'm working on. It's one of those blast-from-the-past projects. I'm really excited about it and I can't wait to get a couple finished so I can show them to you.
Have a great Memorial Day everybody! Don't forget to thank all the service men and women you know. And jump in that pool and have some fun!!!